Plain and simple, I review comic books. You're entertained by my wit and charm, so you read the things I suggest....that's how this works.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Review: Battle Chasers Anthology HC
What can I say about Battle Chasers that hasn't already been said about Barack Obama? Its great looking! Fresh & Original, it inspires us to be better...It seems to have made one too many promises. Looks like a fantasy but is really quite mainstream. Battle Chasers is the story of five adventurers who's stories intertwine and eventually bind them to one another. It really does epitomize the "sword and sorcery" genre. I would even go as far as saying that Battle Chasers was to fantasy comics what Battlestar Galactica was to Sci-Fi television. An inspirational beacon. "This is possible if you let go of trivial conventions". The artwork is BRILLIANT. Joe Madureira is a virtuoso (and that's not a term I throw around). Tom McWeeney laid down bold solid inks. "Liquid!" was not only the best digital coloring team around, they put in 105% on BC. And last but not least, Richard Starkings and Comicraft did the best lettering i've EVER see in a comic (and that was 10 years ago!!!).
This collected edition combines every issue, sketch, flyer, and anything else printed pertaining to Battle Chasers. It is in fact complete. Even has things we've never see like Mad's from his X-Men days. Kind of pricey, but so comprehensive that its totally worth it. Here's a link to it on Amazon. FYI, I payed full price at a local comic shop...proudly!
Review: Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
The week before Volume 6 of this series, I plowed through 1 through 5, borrowed from the free library. I couldn't help myself. Every chapter was clever and compelling. The series is really quite funny, but in addition, deeply moving. Bare in mind that I am in fact the sort of disaffected fellow that this series is about.
Scott Pilgrim is a 23 year-old bass guitarist for a Toronto indy band called Sex Bob-omb (Yes, like the little walking bomb guys from Super Mario Bros.) who's recently rebounded into a relationship with a high school girl. Now, I know that sounds skeevy, but they really have a sort of high school puppy-love relationship. Knives Chau, WORSHIPS her new boyfriend and is awestricken by the music of his band and their contemporaries. I don't want to ruin any of the plot of v.1 for those of you who haven't seen the movie, but I'll leave it at this; While knee deep in his puppy-love relationship, Scott falls MADLY in love with an NYC trasplant named Ramona Flowers. Ramona, is a Manhattan. Dry but sweet to the tongue and a bit tart. One of those "seemingly too cool to care" hipsters who's been through enough drama in her 20-something years to seek an escape to a foreign land. Also there's a lot of fighting...A LOT of fighting.
Bryan Lee O'Malley is one of my personal heroes, and its this book that won me over. I'd recently finished Persepolis and while reflecting on how Satrapi was able to put 100% of herself into the production of this very personal epic graphic novel. I began relating Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life to works like Persepolis and Maus. The artwork, strange at first, becomes a part of the language and the fluidity of communication at that point really makes the work sing.
I should mention though, that the series has an NES game motif and can be a bit confusing to people who grew up in caves or without any connection to pop culture of the last 20-30 years.
Finally, I was able to pick up my own copy of volume 1. Oni printed it like a manga tankobon, which suits me just fine since i have shelves of untranslated manga i use for artistic reference. My only complaint is that its exactly 20% more costly than I think it should be. However, you can get a great price on the set on Amazon or borrow from your local free library.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Review: Superman vs. Muhammad Ali
Recently, DC Comics (out of the blue) decided to reprint this is a hardcover special edition. I waited outside the comic store that wednesday morning, hoping to be the first in line to pay for this book. Soon i was sitting on the train beaming at my new aquisition. There were some snooty hipsters sitting behind me. One of them leaned over and asked "Why would you buy that old corny marketing ploy?". I pointed to each of the words on the cover. Neal Adams. Denny O'Neil. Superman. Muhammad Ali. VS!!! Why does everything have to be Sandman?! Can't I just go to a comic store to see an artists illustrations of action and adventure without it having to be a life-altering experience?!
Superman vs. Muhammad Ali is the story of how Superman and Muhammad Ali wound up Boxing eachother for a chance to represent Earth against the champion of an intergalactic warrior race. Before you start nerd-raging about how Ali couldn't ever beat a Kryptonian powered by a yellow sun, I'll have you know that Superman had his powers shut off for the fight. And before you start nerd-raging about how A de-powered Superman could never beat "The Greatest" in the sweet science, I'll remind you...he's Superman :)
I told those hipsters, the same thing I'll tell all of you: "Life is too finite. Stop and smell the roses sometimes...and buy 'smell the roses' I mean 'buy this book'"!
Amazon link applied thusly. Its all over the place, though since it was reprinted so recently. There's also an oversized version which, I hear, is how the original came out back in '78.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Review: Ultimates3
This is the cover...of the first issue! The FIRST thing we saw on the stands from this series, was this very image. When word came around that Joe Madureira (Ma-Duh-Reh-Ruh) was coming out of semi-retirement (video game concept art had him) to work on a Marvel title, we all thought it would be Spiderman. Turns out, he had an even bigger fish in mind. The Ultimates is about an alternate reality that's much more seriousface than 616. Kind of like Reality television for superheroes. I am not a fan. The first two volumes were mindless fluff, so when Jeph Loeb took the reigns of the third series, I did not expect "Watchmen-with-Avengers". I'm not sure why other people did. The series has never been about anything but set-ups for big fights that have lackluster resolutions, but just because it had that Reality TV feel, people felt like it was much more substantive than it was. You will hear more of this rant when I review Ultimates 1&2...this is about Ultimates 3. I love Jeph Loeb. He's brilliant. His stories are not always The Long Halloween, but if its not meant to be something seriousface, Loeb WILL provide thrills and chills. Madureira is the genius voice of a generation. Plain and simple. People complain about him missing deadlines, but i feel as though its always worth the wait (...whith the exception of Battle Chasers was that?!). Ultimates 3 was very corny. It half-heartedly tried to keep the real-world pretense of the original series and failed. It half-heartedly spun a mystery plot that no one cared about. Fail....However, Mad opted go straight from pencils to digital colors. This maid for a very unique and dynamic visual style. Win! The hardcover has no "special features" which was not only a fail, but unexpected since we'd seen concept art in wizard long before the series began. The high quality of the print ads an extra dimension of awesomeness to the colors of Chris Lichtner. Win... average those up and you get: Win!
Huh? Amazing artwork is not enough to carry a 5 issue miniseries? My reply to that is: STFUDIAF!! Obviously it IS enough because even you bought it! Get your priorities straight!
Now I totally wouldn't have gotten the hardcover, since it has nothing the floppies didn't have, if it weren't for the fact that the relative unpopularity of the title has dropped the pricedramatically. Is Ultimates 3: Who Killed the Scarlet Witch worth the $25 cover price? Only to Madureira fans. Is it worth the $10 bargain bin price? Hellz yeah! That's all I have to say about that.
Amazon has plenty of copies...its gorgeous...really.
(more of my "Madureira is awesome" rant when I review Battlechasers)
Huh? Amazing artwork is not enough to carry a 5 issue miniseries? My reply to that is: STFUDIAF!! Obviously it IS enough because even you bought it! Get your priorities straight!
Now I totally wouldn't have gotten the hardcover, since it has nothing the floppies didn't have, if it weren't for the fact that the relative unpopularity of the title has dropped the pricedramatically. Is Ultimates 3: Who Killed the Scarlet Witch worth the $25 cover price? Only to Madureira fans. Is it worth the $10 bargain bin price? Hellz yeah! That's all I have to say about that.
Amazon has plenty of copies...its gorgeous...really.
(more of my "Madureira is awesome" rant when I review Battlechasers)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Review: I"s
"EPIC ROMANCE" is probably the best way to describe this series. Fifteen volumes of EPIC ROMANCE! You think you're reading a typical gakuen (high school slice-of-life) story with racy fanservice splashed in here and there, then BAM! EPIC ROMANCE!
The story starts out being about a somewhat average highschool boy who frequently drifts off into daydreams, named Seto Ichitaka. Its revealed that he fancies a classmate, Iori Yoshizuki, who's recently been featured in a local magazine's swimsuit centerfold. The two of them are "randomly" paired to put together a skit for one of the school's many pageants (I swear that school is always celebrating some holiday). Once the two are alone, Seto, in an attempt to not seem too into her, ends up making her feel totally insignificant. And Iori, in an attempt to feel significant starts presenting him with ideas for the pageant. She writes on the front of an empty notebook "I''s" (since her first name starts with an I and his last name starts with an I). Iori gives him the book and then runs off. Seto thinks that he was so horrible to her that she couldn't stand to be around him. Madcap antics ensue as the two repeatedly neg each other by accident. This is what we've come to know as "Romantic Comedy", i know. But just when you think things will get wacky, BAM! Stuff gets serious. You start to empathize with the characters and almost forget that its a gakuen comic, then BAM! EPIC ROMANCE! I'm not kidding. This manga has warmed even the coldest hearts. The artwork is unbelievable. Masakazu Katsura (Of Video Girl AI, DNA2, and Zetman) proves that he's a distinguished professional. I could honestly go on and on about this manga until we all turn into butterflies, but none of that will actually matter if you don't take a chance and actually read the series. Most of the people i've referred it to, finished the first volume and then didn't come up for air until after the fifteenth. Viz has translated the series and they did actually censor some of the racier panels, but for the most part, it doesn't affect the story, so I can't complain...much. Here's a link. Probably won't find it in libraries as it can be sort of "mature" at times, but the franchise bookstores have them. I think. Here's an amazon link to the first volume. I would have put links to all 15, but that would be ridiculous.
Review: Silver Surfer: Parable
Finally I found a copy. For the last year, I've been combing through comic stores, interrogating employees, and doing everything I could to find something I'd only ever heard about. Someon told me that there was a Silver Surfer story, illustrated by Moebius, and written by Stan Lee. Now, I'd been desperate for an inkling of Moebius art for a long time. Otomo, Darrow, even Quitely cite Moebius as an artistic influence, so I was dying to see this apocryphal artist's work. Add that to Stan Lee, who loves Silver Surfer above all his creations, writing? Brian-charles bait. I'd all but given up hope, when my girlfriend asked me "Have you tried Amazon?". Its in short supply there, but it IS in fact on After I ordered it, I just sat next to my mailbox for two weeks waiting for the package. I'm not kidding. Then...Finally I had a copy.
Smaller than i'd hoped, but hardcover, so it feels like a treasure anyway. Before actually reading the story, I dug into the suplimental material. In the old days, Hardcover reproductions of comics, almost by law, came with special features like a DVD. At the beginning, there's an intro by Stan-the-man where he explains how the project came to be. Now, I don't know if any of you have ever heard the godfather of Marvel speak, but let me tell you, He's very charismatic. He has this was of romanticizing things just enough to make them more interesting than they are, but not enough to make you wonder if he's telling the truth. That was cool, but what really made my heart smile was the "Making of" section at the back of the Moebius! It has sketches and thumbnails and inklings. All the things you want to see at the back of a harcover. The story is great of course. The artwork, also great. Both a bit dated, but still fresh and elegant. The lettering's terribad, though. Moebius opted to do the lettering himself, and I guess he forgot it until the last minute and had to scribble them out on a trainride or something. Anyway, Silver Surfer: Parable is a must have, for comic artists. Seriously.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Review: Invincible: The Ultimate Collection
OK, so I have a few problems with this series. But after careful consideration, I've concluded that all of my issues with Invincible have to do with the stories pacing. Plain and simple, the issues don't have enough content. I don't think Kirkman's a bad writer, and goodness knows i think highly of Ottley's artwork, I just feel like the whole "one scene per comic" thing gets tired really fast. Now, you've gotta understand, that the first issue I read was flashback story where the characters recount all the happenings of past issues. It was a lot to soak up, but that's the way I like my floppies. I then went back to read the Ultimate Collections, so when I finally caught up to read the single issues, i was excited to see how things would unfold. Imagine my surprise when I went through 24 pages to learn that a drop of rain has hit the floor, then multiply that by 1423765982659827 times that has happened to me with Invincible (changing the single, usually mundane event that happens in an issue every time), and you barely have a glimpse of what I'm talking about.
All that being said, this isn't a review of the series' story pacing, this is a review of the Invincible: Ultimate Collection hardcover compilations, which are EPIC!
Invincible chronicles the life and times of a seemingly generic teenager who finds out he has seemingly generic "superpowers", throws on a costume and proceeds to steak vampires (insert teen angst here). No wait, that's something else...Invincible fights SUPERVILLAINS, which If you don't know me I'll explain, is a thing that make me very very happy. The set-up is pretty run-of-the-mill (gets A LOT of comparisons to ultimate Spider-man) for the beginning of the series...then it turns into Dragon Ball Z. At that point I suggest as you're reading Invincible, you return your seat to the up-right position. Ryan Ottley is going to take you on such an epic tirade of violent fight scenes, that you'll have Fist of the North Star nightmares...I'm not kidding. In fact, I'm super seriol.
If you grab these massive (like 13 issues each) bricks of comic goodness, I can almost guarantee you won't regret it. They're so epic, you can read one without even noticing the pacing issues at all!
Gonna change things up today, and link each volume for purchase. They sometimes have them at big franchise book stores, but the print runs are actually pretty limited, so you'll probably want to just order.
All that being said, this isn't a review of the series' story pacing, this is a review of the Invincible: Ultimate Collection hardcover compilations, which are EPIC!
Invincible chronicles the life and times of a seemingly generic teenager who finds out he has seemingly generic "superpowers", throws on a costume and proceeds to steak vampires (insert teen angst here). No wait, that's something else...Invincible fights SUPERVILLAINS, which If you don't know me I'll explain, is a thing that make me very very happy. The set-up is pretty run-of-the-mill (gets A LOT of comparisons to ultimate Spider-man) for the beginning of the series...then it turns into Dragon Ball Z. At that point I suggest as you're reading Invincible, you return your seat to the up-right position. Ryan Ottley is going to take you on such an epic tirade of violent fight scenes, that you'll have Fist of the North Star nightmares...I'm not kidding. In fact, I'm super seriol.
If you grab these massive (like 13 issues each) bricks of comic goodness, I can almost guarantee you won't regret it. They're so epic, you can read one without even noticing the pacing issues at all!
Gonna change things up today, and link each volume for purchase. They sometimes have them at big franchise book stores, but the print runs are actually pretty limited, so you'll probably want to just order.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Review: The Complete Persepolis

I've had enough. This book is GREAT, and you haven't read it yet. Seriously? Last year, The Complete Persepolis was the "One Book, One Philadelphia", a program specifically designed "to promote reading, literacy and libraries, and to encourage the entire greater Philadelphia area to come together through reading and discussing a single book" and STILL you haven't read it...I mean, the book that EVERYONE in my city was supposed to read was a graphic novel. Do you have any idea how my heart swelled with pride when I heard that? Or how it sunk to the floor when I realized none of my peers would read it unless I brought them warm milk and read it to them like a bedtime story. Its a true personal account of a pivotal event in history, and on top of that, the author's really cool...I mean REALLY cool...Albert Camus before the war cool...Neil Gaiman toward the end of Sandman cool... But I digress--
The Complete Persepolis is a compilation of the original graphic novel and its sequel (Persepolis and Persepolis 2) first published in 2000 (french) and 2003 (English). Its an biographical depiction of the life of author, Marjane Satrapi, from early childhood to early adulthood. People frequently compare it to Maus, but I feel as though Maus' holocaust depiction was purposely obscured by the anthro characters, and it was clearly a black and white good guys vs bad guys story, whereas Persepolis MUCH more real. Like, there's no part in there where you'd wonder "Did this really happen?" whether it really did happen or not. And the motivations of the antagonists are much more ambiguous. The artwork is off-putting at first. I thought it was quirky and over-stylized, but once i started reading, i realized how seamlessly it depicts the story. As far as I'm concerned Persepolis is a perfect comic. I know, that's a HUGE statement, but that's what I think about it and I'm reasonably certain that you will too...once you get off your couch, turn off _______ Reality Show, and GO READ PERSEPOLIS!

As ever, I'm including a link to buy this book from amazon (or if you're on the fence, go to the library!)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Review: Infinity Gauntlet (Marvel Premiere Classic) [Hardcover]

The story goes something like this:
A cosmic Lex Luthor named "Thanos" is in love with Death (Death in this 1990 Marvel series is a robed, silent woman). In a short and nearly impossible to find prelude story, Thanos sets of on planet-hopping adventure across the universe to find the six Dragon Balls...err "Infinity Gems". Together the gems give their holder god powers. That's right, god powers. Not "god-like" powers, I'm talking "kick Galactus in the balls" power..."Force Dr. Manhattan to wear pants" power. Thanos attaches these gems to his glove and the first thing he does as the new writer of the cosmos, is kill half of the population...OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE! You ever do something stupid to impress a girl? Like, cut your ear off...issue a "Final Solution"...That sort of thing? This was kind of like that, except with everything that lives. Needless to say, it probably made him look needy, because Death REALLY starts giving Thanos the cold should afterwords So the half of the superheroes that wasn't disappeared set forth with a massive attack plan to try to depose the new king of all things. There are lots of twists and turns and subplots that I wouldn't dream of ruining for you guys. But let me just say, that in my "humble" opinion, Infinity Gauntlet should be taught in schools.
Now, the reason I'm doing a review of a 20 year-old mainstream superhero crossover story TODAY, is that I just picked up the Marvel Premiere Classic hc edition yesterday. I've had the floppies forever, but I've always wanted a compilation that I could lend people. The original paperback compilation "Thanos: Infinity Gauntlet" looked like they'd mimeographed the floppies and then re-colored those pages with Crayola markers. THIS version however, is a crisp, clean representation of the original work by Jim Starlin (who's a really cool guy that you should chat up at conventions), George Perez (Who's artwork seems to get better as I get older), and Ron Lim (A respectable artist who takes the reigns of the "Infinity" concept's art after this first series). I put a very convenient link to Amazon where you can buy this hardcover easily :)
If the fact that its a great story doesn't tantalize you, I just want to say...There's A LOT of action. EPIC action.
With Love
Brian Charles
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